Are you running out of ideas of what to do while we are all in quarantine? Since we can’t visit our favorite restaurants, Opening Day for the Pirates is cancelled, the casinos are closed, and our other favorite places have been shut down in an effort to curb the spread of coronavirus.
What can we do in this beautiful Pittsburgh Spring weather?
We put together a list of 10 FUN things you and the family can do while in quarantine.
1. Acquire a foam roller and treat yourself to some physical therapy.
2. Pretend you're 13 years old and fold a square piece of paper into a fortune teller you put your thumbs and pointer fingers into. Proceed to tell fortunes.
3. Learn how to braid (fishtail, French, etc.) via YouTube tutorial.
4. Throw out all your too-old makeup and products. (Tip: most liquid products have a small symbol on them noting expirations, usually six months to a year. This includes sunscreen!)
5. Interview your grandparents (over the phone, of course) and save the audio. Can you create an audio story or book with that file?
6. Go through your camera roll, pick your favorite pics from the past year and make a photo book or order framed versions online.
7. Go on a health kick and learn how to cook new recipes with ingredients you may not be using already, from miso to tahini.
8. Create a Google document of shows or movies you’re watching and share it among family and friends.
9. Make a list of things for which you are grateful.
10. Have your own wine tasting of whatever bottles you have at home. Make up stories about the journey of the grapes to your mouth.
We hope this list helps and share your pictures with us on Facebook @RegencyGlobalTransportationGroup
We look forward to be driving you again soon!
Posted on Mar 30 2020
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